We are here for your complex and long-term care needs

Complex care, continuing care or long-term care is the care required for someone with substantial healthcare needs. This could be due to a disability, a debilitating mental health condition or a chronic illness such as Huntington’s Disease or Cerebral Palsy.

It is also referred to when someone undergoes a medical procedure and there are complications, such as brain injury, muscular dystrophy or injury to the spinal cord.

At Caregenics Healthcare we provide complex care support for people who need medium to long-term, continuing specialist or substantial care because of a disability or chronic illness, or following hospitalisation or long-term medical treatment.

Our senior professionals look carefully at individual needs and create a personalised tailor-made plan to give them the best possible care. Whether you are looking to change care providers or have just been given a diagnosis, you are sure to have loads of questions. We have gathered a variety of questions we are asked regularly and hope these answers can help you.

If you or someone you are responsible for is suffering with any of these, then investing in complex care from a specialist is the best option as they will have the experience and understanding required to provide the very best care possible.